Jason Harper's Home Page

Important notice

The permanent address of this page is http://pobox.com/~JasonHarper, and the proper addresses of all subpages should begin with this. However, these are just redirections, that point at wherever I have my pages hosted. If you intend to bookmark or publish a link to any of my pages that needs to remain valid for any length of time: please, please make sure that the link starts with pobox. That's the only form that I can make any guarantees about.

First things first: here's the obligatory picture of my cat, Tabitha.

Book to the Future

I've opened up a used book store in Ponca City, OK, specializing in science fiction & fantasy paperbacks. Click here for more info.


This is a multichannel timing device for educational use that I designed and built for my brother-in-law, and may become a commercial product. Details here.

Nixie & Dekatron Clocks

Click here for details.


I've recently been playing with Python, an elegant little object-oriented programming language, as a possible direction to take now that I'm out of the Newton market. Here are some potentially useful things I've come up with:


ViewFrame is an object browsing and debugging tool for Apple's Newton® line of handheld computers. It was published for several years by Creative Digital. Now that Steve Jobs has killed the Newton, ViewFrame is no longer commercially viable, and I simply have no real interest in updating it further. For those of you who are still active in Newton programming, I am making ViewFrame available for free on an as-is basis.

About Me

If you think you might know me from somewhere, here's a brief autobiography that might help to confirm or deny that:

Contacting Me

You can write to me at JasonHarper@pobox.com. My former CompuServe addresses, JasonRandHarper or 76703,4222, are no longer valid (but I'll leave them here so that anyone who only knows me by one of those addresses can still find me via a web search).

Last updated on August 15, 2004. Visits since November 18, 2000:

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